Autism Study Reveals 'Valuable' Benefits of Board Games. Anecdotally, it has been observed that board gaming is a popular hobby among people with autism. However, new research from the University of Plymouth in the U.K. has, for the first time, explored the association scientifically, and uncovered important reasons for this link.
The Young Inventor Challenge: Illuminating the STEM Brilliance of Tomorrow's Toy Architects.
If you're in the market for other STEM events that mirror the enriching experience of the YIC, identifying the hallmarks of a compelling educational contest is key.
The Value of Toys. In Inventing Kindergarten, by Norman Brosterman, you find some great examples of the influence of ‘toys’. Many of the twentieth century’s greatest artists, designers, architects, and visionaries, Mondrian and Frank Lloyd Wright are two examples, were influenced by play with these toys created by the inventor of the first Kindergarten in Europe.
COMIC: Teaching Kids To Make Art Out Of What You Have In The Pandemic
From indigenous author and illustrator Julie Flett comes a joyous new book about playtime: We All Play - kimêtawânaw
Schultütes, a traditional back-to-school treat from Germany for a most unusual year
A $50,000 Beanie Baby? See What Your Beloved '90s Toys Are Worth
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