June Calendar

June 1, 1974 - Dr. Henry Heimlich introduced a better way (than slapping someone’s back) to aid choking victims with what became known as the Heimlich maneuver
June 4, 1917- The Pulitzer Prize was first awarded on this day
June 5, 1783 - The first public demonstration of a hot-air balloon flight took place
June 5, 1968 - Senator Robert Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles
June 5, 1919 - Author and illustrator Richard McClure Scarry was born in Boston
June 6, 1933 - The first drive-in movie theater opens in Camden, New Jersey
June 7, 1975 - The VCR or videocassette recorder was introduced by Sony
June 8, 1916 - Francis Crick, discoverer with James Watson of the structure of DNA, was born in England
June 8, 1867 - Architect Frank Lloyd Wright was born in Richland Center, Wisconsin
June 9, 1934 - Donald Duck first appeared on screen in Disney’s short film, “The Wise Little Hen”
June 10, 1943 - Hungarian inventor Laszlo Biro patented the ballpoint pen
June 11, 2002 - The TV Show American Idol debuted
June 12, 1924 - George Herbert Walker Bush, the 43rd president of the US, was born
June 12, 1929 - Author Anne Frank was born
June 14, 1811 - Writer Harriet Beecher Stowe was born in Litchfield, Connecticut
June 16 - Father’s Day
June 18, 1983 - Astronaut Sally Ride became the first American woman in space
June 18, 1812 - The war of 1812 was declared by the US against Great Britain
June 20, 1863 - West Virginia became the 35th state
June 25, 1876 - The Battle of Little Big Horn
June 25, 1903 - Author George Orwell was born
June 27, 1859 - The melody of what is considered the most-often sung song in the world, “Happy Birthday to You,” was composed by Mildred J. Hill, a schoolteacher
June 27, 1880 - Author and lecturer Helen Keller was born at Tuscumbia, Alabama